We have so many reasons to help you fall in love this Holiday Season!
From Chaun Legend to Apres we have almost every brand collection for you!
If you've are in love with sheer gel polishes then your best choice will be Apres one of a kind Light & Shadow fall collection
BUT WAIT! If you are not a huge fan of sheer but yay can't get enough Apres, no need to leave we have original Apres as well give you all the Fall feelings
Chaun Legend picked his out on his own, not with 1 but 2 different fall collections that you are going to melt over
This collection is more in the darker side to keep the cool tones that we all love.
Warmer Fall Tones From Chaun Legend
And there is a brand that we can barely keep on the shelves and that is the Autumn Spice Collection from Chance!
Chance has brought the best of the best when you think of Autumn, however, I would love to sprinkle in a little bit more because I personally love a bit of red sprinkled in my Autumn colors to make it just a tad but more BOLD
Chance by Cre8tion Roses are Red
What do you think? Let me know !
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